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Proxying Plausible through CloudFront

Step 1: Create new origin

First we need to create a new origin pointing to the Plausible server. In the CloudFront console, under your distribution; create a new origin:

  • Origin Domain Name:
  • Origin Protocol Policy: HTTPS Only

Step 2: Create custom behaviours

Now we need to define some custom behaviour for when to use our new origin. In the CloudFront console, under your distribution; create new behaviour.

First for the analytics script:

  • Path Pattern: /js/script.js (you can use /js/script.* to also match script extensions)
  • Origin or Origin Group: The origin we created in step 1
  • Viewer Protocol Policy: HTTPS Only
  • Allowed HTTP Methods: GET, HEAD

And another for the event API:

  • Path Pattern: /api/event
  • Origin or Origin Group: The origin we created in step 1
  • Viewer Protocol Policy: HTTPS Only
  • Origin Request Policy: Managed-UserAgentRefererHeaders

Step 3: Adjust your deployed script

With the custom origin and behaviours in place, you can change your script tag as follows:

<script defer data-domain="" src="/js/script.js"></script>

In case of a subdirectory installation, you'll also need to add a data-api attribute to tell the script where the data should be sent.

<script defer data-domain="" data-api="/subdirectory/api/event" src="/subdirectory/js/script.js"></script>

Deploy these changes to your CloudFront site. You can verify the proxy is working by opening your network tab. You should see a request to with status 200 and another one to with status 202.

Using our extensions such as hash-based routing, page exclusions or outbound link click tracking? Change the file name from script.js to the script you want to use: script.hash.js, script.exclusions.js or script.outbound-links.js. Want to use more than one extension? You can chain them like this: script.hash.exclusions.outbound-links.js.

Thanks to @thomasjsn for contributing these instructions!